Thursday, May 25, 2006

CST 28/5/06 "Community"

on: Sunday 28th May @ 8.30pm

at: the new Beanscene, in Haymarket! [view map]

It's that time again!

There are a couple of hot topics on our lips at the moment, bouncing in and out of our conversations when we can grab them. It's probably time to get together (or is it? - see link below) and chew some of these things over.

The big issue for us right now is "community", especially as far as our models of church are concerned. There's a great discussion about what is sometimes called "Network Church" going on at Boxologies, and that's the best place to enter this conversation.

Mixed in with all this is the theological question of the Trinity and the practical question of where we are to take CST forward from here - both of which will likely feature.

See you there, all welcome!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excrement! I'm in Edinburgh on Saturday, but must attempt to drive a double whammy and make it this time... Mmmm, may have to drag a layman friend along for support when I feel my brain start to twitch & winge.

May 26, 2006  
Blogger boxthejack said...

how was it? could you post posthumous, or rather retrospective, notes Jamie?

May 31, 2006  

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